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Sponsorship options for Inside_Networks Charity Golf Day 2024

Nearest the Pin and Longest DriveComtec logo

  • Name and logo on the markers

Simulator Room –  £300

  • Opportunity to host the room and display banners or product. The simulator is a two hour post golf drop-in competition prior to dinner. Alternatively just put your name to it, or host with a beer!

Beat the Pro – £500Structured Networks Technology

  • Contributes to our annual guest ‘trick-shot pro’ Ady from ACE Golf Challenge. Banner on the tee, acknowledgement from Ady when welcoming groups, could provide logo balls as prizes, about 8 dozen would more than cover it – Ady doesn’t lose too many! Present main prize at dinner (ACE Golf Challenge provide prize).

Live scoring – £750

All options will be covered in the advertising of the event, logo in the itinerary and event documentation, acknowledgment at prize giving dinner and published in Inside_Networks event review.

Slice golf and events logo